Jim Stovall, Das ultimative Geschenk
6. Dezember 2017
Ken Costa, Der Liebe Gott und das Böse Geld
6. Dezember 2017Ken Blanchard, The Generosity Factor
CHF 24,00
Hardcover, 120 Pages. Excellent as gift
„I’ve had it up to HERE!“
Don’t you feel that way sometimes abouit greed? The things some people do in the pursuit of self-gratification would make anybody see red. And they should. Just look at what has happened to our families, our healthcare system, our corporate ethics, our cities, our environment, our national reputation, our fundamental ability to love – all because, a rock bottom, some folks are out for themselves at any cost.
They’ve completely missed the path to fulfillment. There IS a route to genuine and enduring satisfaction, but it flies in the face of this greedy, self-obsessed culture. It’s called GENEROSITY; and it invovles freely giving our four most valuable resources – our time, talents, treasure, and touch – and receiving unimaginalbe riches in return.
This book is a powerful and visionary parable for every man or woman who senses that there’s more to life than getting more. You can read this book in a few hoiurs, but the wisdom you’ll obtain will last -a nd shape youi – for a lifetime.
Ken Blanchard is an internationally known management consultant, organizational leader, and the author of coauthor of twelve books, including the all-time best-seller. The One Minute Manager.
Truett Cathy is the fouinder and chairman of Chick-fil-A, a national chain of quick-service chicken restaurants.
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